Saturday Night Live Lost Episode

One day I was taking a walk down mah neighborhood. You see, I have this weird fetish for trash cans. So, I would sniff every trash can I would walk by. I came across this one trash can that had a video tape in it. The tape said, "Saturday Night Live: Lost Episode. DO NOT WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!1111" You would think I'd not pick it up. But, 4 sum reason, I did. I went home and put it in my VCR. It was pretty much a normal episode of Saturday Night Live, it had different skits that were parodies of pop culture. BUT, EVERY ONE IN THE SKITS HAD BLOODSHOT EYES, AND EACH SKIT WOULD END WITH A SKELETON POPPING OUT!!!!!!!11 I then took the video tape, and smashed it into a million pieces. After I smashed it into a million pieces, I fed the pieces to my dog. He then got diarrhea afterwards.